
healthy young woman petting dog

The Biggest Health Benefits of Being a Great Dog Owner

To have a good life with your dog, you must be a responsible dog owner. Let's explore what that is and how to be on. Here's what you need to know.
All About August “Raw Feeding” Month—What You Should Know

All About August “Raw Feeding” Month—What You Should Know

Did you know that August is raw feeding month? In today's article, let's take a deep dive into raw feeding and what you should know about it. Read on!
10 Ways to Stop a Dog from Biting the Leash While Walking

10 Ways to Stop a Dog from Biting the Leash While Walking

They may even bite the leash for various reasons. Whatever the case, it's your responsibility to prevent this behavior, which we'll discuss in this article.
12 Must-Haves When Walking Your Dog Outside: What to Bring

12 Must-Haves When Walking Your Dog Outside: What to Bring

Walking is one of the best things to do with your pup. Here are some of the items you need to have with you when walking your dogs outdoors.