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From Puppy to Perfect by Janet Menzies

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Product description

From Puppy to Perfect is designed to get you started straight away. It is a survival guide to the first few weeks of puppy management, with easy to follow routines for toilet training, feeding and playing.

As your puppy starts to grow up, discover play-training and develop the foundations for serious training from six months onwards. Britain's most successful gundog trainer, Ian Openshaw, provides a step-by-step masterclass on placeboard training for impressive results. 

With plenty of useful advice on the different types and personalities of each breed of dog, you will learn what to expect from your puppy and how to evaluate your own approach to the new member of the family.

About the Author

Janet Menzies breeds, trains and works cocker spaniels. She is a gundog and shooting correspondent for The Fieldmagazine and writes a monthly blog on gundog training for the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). She has had success with five Field Trial Champions, the majority of which she bred herself. The best known is FTCh Gournaycourt Ginger, one of the most consistent cockers of recent years.
ISBN-13: 9781846892059
Publisher: Quiller Press Limited
Publication date: 08/01/2015
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From Puppy to Perfect by Janet Menzies

$16.95 USD